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Showing You Our  character


Bennie's not the original Easter Bunny, but he hops to the order. A devout consumer or carrots and candy, Bennie is always watching out for a nice holiday snack. Eggs, they're can keep 'em. No matter how many little egg hunters you've got on your hands, you'll be thankful to see ol' Bennie a hoppin' down the Easter trail, because he's here to help your event runs smoothly. Smiles are a bonus...well, and candy!

...the Clowniest

Clancy the Clown, he don't mess around... Kidding, of course. He's all play! Plus, he's a master at balloon wrangling, so your event will be chock full of his wonderfully entertaining inflatable fun! You name it and he could probably twist one together out of colorful balloons. Don't be afraid... Clancy will melt your fear and shape it into your favorite animal...or maybe a simple balloon heart? But, clownin' around with Clancy isn't ALL balloons...Clancy has all the essential 'clowning skills'...bad jokes, balloon pokes, and artichokes. Wait, we take that back. Absolutely no vegetables...only fun! And, if you're really lucky, maybe he'll serenade you from a unicycle or pull a quarter from your nose! (Clancy thinks his face is funny enough, but if really wanted...he'll paint it up just for your laughs!

...a Hammy Head of State

Uncle Sammy Wants You...
to relax. Don't worry about big government, just big government heads...and Uncle Sammy's got the biggest. His mind is full of all that's AMERICA.  He's your modern day personification of patriotism today. Left...Right...those are just two sides that make up the whole SAMMY. He's got a lot to say, but don't worry...all of it is to RECRUIT YOU FOR FUN!

...the Vegas Juggler

Vinnie's a bettin' man, and he can't wait to wager your FUN!  As an expert juggler, odds are he'll impress you with the number of items he can keep off the ground!
And, oh boy, is he ever a talker. JOKES, quips and funny stories are quick on the roll. But, he's not limited to those two skills. No, he's a regular strolling juggernaut of showmanship. Did we mention he can ride a UNICYCLE? Now, depending on your show need or if he's brought in to stroll about your event, Vinnie will keep your event guests, patrons and/or party goers engaged and entertained...We'll put a wager on that!

...Delightfully Clairevoyant

Dana Dahlia is a talented medium just as at home helping your guests enjoy a friendly reading as she is working to balance a business venue or guide a soul on the right path for their lives. It doesn't all have to be fun and games...she's here to serve your serious affair, too. Guidance with heart, and talent with soul, she'll get you what you need to know.
Tarot Readings
Space Clearance
And more...


...the Wabbler (Unicyclist)

Wendle is at home on his Unicycle as much as you are flying through the air. He's up there...but for how long?
Look out below, he might be juggling knives too!? Don't get us wrong, Wendle's one of the best in the biz , but you might not be able to tell by watching him. WENDLE WABBLES...this way and that! Will he take a tumble and feel the fickle fate of disaster...Nope, but it'll look like it to all of your guests and visitors. He's adept at looking terribly unskilled...and THAT'S HIS SKILL! Your kids might think that normal unicycling is boring, but not after watching Wendle wabble to the edge of disaster!

...ze Amazing!

Well, maybe not so amazing?

He's beyond his years...
and it shows!

Zoltar was one of the best magicians around, but at 247 years old, he's overdue for magical retirement. He may not be so quick and nimble these days, but he'll give your Hogwart's mumbo jumbo a run for its tuition. You'll enjoy his slight-of-hand as much as his whimsically crotchety banter. If you're lucky, you'll get to meet Zoltar's magical fiend familiar... GUS! Gus unfortunately used up his 9 lives ages ago, but Zoltar might be able to manifest his essence of play for your fancy!?

...Santa's Stand-In Double

Let's face it...Santa is far too elderly and precious to attend your holiday party or seasonal event. But, DON'T WORRY...
Uncle NIcky's the old man's favorite body double and stand-in decoy! He's saved Old Saint Nick so many times...and he'll gladly tell you all about each foiled plot against his namesake. He's like the John McClane of Christmas. And, he's been known to Ho, Ho, Ho HARD...with a vengeance!
Just let him know if you want to experience those stories Naughty or Nice?
Uncle Nicky gets to hand Santa your list of holiday wants directly, so any friend of Uncle Nicky stays on the NICE list!

The heights of entertaining  STILT-WALKERS

...King Baby's Grown Up!

While once he was cake-bound King Baby, he was found...and has now grown into, well, a grown up King Baby...sort of?

MARDI sure likes to PARTY! And, when MARDI shows up to the Party, you know everybody is in for a little luck in a big package. He's big and tall, and he just loves to throw bead love out to y'all! He's the manchild incarnation of prosperity and Mardi Gras tradition. Find Mardi at your party or event, you'll know you're destined to be "King" or "Queen" for the evening! Mardi is the Mardi Gras King's cousin, so he'll treat ou like royalty for the day or night. Mardi Gras...Fasching...Fiesta, no matter what you celebrate, he'll bring the BEADS!

...Cooking's Tall Tale

Chef Bologna is quite literally full of it...Bologna that is!

Well, his mind anyway? Let's just say he's squeezed one-too-many recipes up in his noggin! Now, there's no telling what he'll get up to in the kitchen? But, don't worry...he's as easy going as an Easy Bake oven. The light's there, it's just a little dimb.

One thing is for certain, he loves a good Chicken's good for the soul. However, nobody told old Pollo Pete! He thinks he's Chef Bologna's special guest for dinner! He'll just hang out in this warm spa-pot while Chef whips up his Earthly food delights. Together, they're full-time food fun. #FOODFIGHT

ROMBO & allen
...Real Space Cases!

ROMBO, as he calls himself, isn't your average space umm, well, we're not quite sure what he is... But, I'm sure he'll show you.

ROMBO is the protector mech of Allen, the Alien....a miniature interstellar traveler who has graced our planet with his alien genius. While ROMBO is the muscle of the duo, little Allen the Alien is the big traveler. Go ahead and ask him about space, he's been everywhere! Allen is a little bi-polar, so depending upon what space bug you serve him up, he can be a little know-it-all or your friendliest friend from beyond the furthest reaches of space!



...Recovering Rodeo Clown

He's been stretched to his limits, so until Odd Rod will fit back in the rodeo barrel...he's stuck on his own two LOOONG legs!

Injured in the ring, he nearly ended up 6 feet under, but when his shoelace got caught on a frisky bull...he got dragged,  and stretched across the stadium (and let's just say, he ain't been the same since?)

Odd Rod might be temporarily off the Rodeo Clown Circuit, but he still wants to save you from a whole lotta bull at your next party. Yep, he'll entertain you with his clowning skills, comedic manner, and a barrel of skills he's got in store for you and yours!



...Carnival Step-Clown

Ralph wasn't born into the Circus. Nope, he married in. Well, his mom did. He's been the little red-headed step-clown ever since. He might feel a little down if not for the fact that he's too tall go down without a laugh.  He may not be circus blood, but that's alright...he's always looking to maybe join another family...maybe yours?  Before you say no, just know he's had to work harder than the other clown kids, especially at his comedically tall size.
Need juggling and clowning, or maybe an expert balloon stretcher and wrangler?
His skills are no s-t-r-e-t-c-h!
Watch as he amazes his way into your heart and your family...we just hope your car is big enough!? (He's okay with ski-racks, too.) He's Ralph, the Red.

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